How to Survive the Apocolypse or Everyday…

Brian Huy Mac
5 min readDec 15, 2021

Original Post: March 19, 2020

So in keeping with the new habit of quarterly posts I started last year, and butt pictures on Facebook, let us talk about stress, especially now. Last I left off I was in an awesome space (stress consisted of what delicious cafe should I eat at after surfing in Bali with friends) and I was very excited about wrapping up the rest of my sabbatical (Vietnam volunteer and motorcycle tour). That along with some ambitious plans for the year (ie. Bali Villa build). Then things started to happen… also known as life’s bumps.

  • Partner for the Villa project decided they wanted to pursue a different direction that made more sense for them — so I put it on hold.
  • Suddenly my dad had a heart attack which meant the first flight home to Canada to be with my family to help out. Thankfully surgery, recovery, etc. has been incredibly smooth hence very grateful.
  • Decided to begin job hunting on the East coast to be closer to home and now we are on the cusp of the next long term debt cycle recession with the COVID pandemic.

Here’s the thing I think it comes down to perspective/mindset and the habits you have in place the determines the magnitude of stress you experience.

Hear me out — a few weeks ago went for Korean BBQ with one of my good buddies Jamaal Bowry and the discussion came up around this “suffering/pain” in order to experience life / duality. Needless to say we have different opinions which lead to a fun belly full of laughs as well as great dialog. It reminded me of a great framework I go back to time and time again is:

Despair = Suffering — Meaning

Despair being the absence of hope, feeling of hopelessness. When you look at the formula the way to reduce or eliminate despair is to remove suffering and/or increase the meaning. For me being hopeful is about finding ways to reduce suffering by taking care of our mind / bodies and increasing meaning by nourishing our souls. Looking back on the conversation with Jamaal maybe I did not draw a clear enough line between pressure vs suffering (pain).

What also helps me is along the Buddhist thought process is that everything is temporary. That the joy we feel, and the pain we are dealt are all temporary, energy moving, constantly changing, and that our suffering comes from our attachment to trying to HOLD on to being happy and AVOID pain. Live fully in the moment.

With all this being said I am very hopeful that life will continue to move forward and here are some ways I am trying to nourish my Mind, Body, Soul during this challenge and beyond. Please drop me a message if you want to join on any of these habits together.


DAILY HABITS BUILDING — Using this great daily habit tracker from to remind myself of habits I am trying to build.


  • Learning SPANISH continues with daily Duolingo sessions plus audio tapes / watching Narcos Mexico subbed + Hola Amigos who wants to join?


Falling behind here…


  • On Fitbit Challenge board with my family (10K Steps a day for me) — lets us push each other / do it together! GET OUTSIDE GO FOR A WALK
  • Tracking daily HeartRate health range with phone app — takes in different things like your sleep, lifestyle, etc. to help you see if you are in a range for training or need rest.
  • Doing Runtastic Push Up App — It’s basic but keeps me doing some strength stuff (end of life… need a replacement??)
  • Think of any other ideas let me know? Maybe learn a dance routine Jesse Nunn?


  • The 5 Minute Journal app on my phone is one of my favorites! 3 things I am grateful, 3 things I want to focus on, and end of day 3 amazing highlights. It’s private and I look at it to remind myself life is blessed. Silver lining of being home has been spending more time with friends and family! Plus getting quarantined with someone who likes the same movies / anime as you isn’t bad either ;)
  • 1SEC Video app to capture 1 sec everyday for a year — It’s been a good way to capture small moments as we forget how many ppl we cross paths with and much we do in a year.
    2017 Recap:
  • Try to catch up with 1 person a day Facetime / WhatsApp — Nicole Horak reminded me of the on plane thought exercise when we were chatting if this is it… is there anything left unsaid? Make sure you let your loved ones know how you feel, don’t be shy, and now is the time to repair / make peace (Crucial Conversations highly recommend reading).
  • Watch a friend live stream their isolation St. Paddy’s drinking thanks Noel Liu
  • Playing around on the DJ mixer — music feeds the soul — My fav chill playlist right now — LoFi Hiphop —
  • Trying to connect / support others in your tribe — COME DANCE w me in your PJs Sat! —

Dance with others @ HOME

With much LOVE + MISCHIEF & Stay @ home!

